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Author: Grant Brandenburg

     The personal level is an often overlooked consideration when measuring productivity. The U.S. economy is built on the backs of 40+ hour work weeks at the cost of the workers’ personal lives. In John W. Kendrick’s “Happiness Is Personal Productivity Growth”, he argues that personal investments into our education, health, and mobility can significantly enhance our happiness and our income. By investing in ourselves we can become more productive and while enjoying life more fully.

     Education and training not only has the benefit of increasing your income but also provides other benefits. Kendrick emphasises that “compensation rises with years of schooling completed, on average” (Kendrick 42). Beyond a higher salary, education enhances our ability to think, adapt to change, and take on challenges in our lives. Kendrick notes that, “more highly educated people pay more attention to health, live longer, and tend to get more pleasure from work” (Kendrick 42). This highlights that education is one of the most valuable investments that we can make. Education empowers us to tackle our problems, create opportunities, and even extend our lives. Failing to invest into education is overlooking a powerful tool for personal and professional development.

     Health is by far one of the most effective ways to boost not only your productivity but your overall happiness. Kendrick notes that maintaining good health also means less time lost to illness and accidents. From an employer’s perspective, reduced downtime and employee well-being means you have a workforce that is working. For employees, good health brings not only increased wages, but “heightened vitality, and longer life” (Kendrick 42), as well as “greater pleasure [derived] from work and leisure” (Kendrick 42). Kendrick mentions that adopting wholesome lifestyles is a cost effective way to achieve better health. Long term well-being can be achieved through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and effective stress management. Having access to quality healthcare with regular check-ups goes a long way to preventing future health issues. Life is easy to enjoy when you are healthy, investing in health directly improves your enjoyment of the different parts of your life.

     Mobility, as Kendrick describes, is “the [cost] of acquiring information about job opportunities and moving physically in order to obtain the best possible job” (Kendrick 42). It is a strategic decision when it comes to choosing your employer. Kendrick states that “choosing the right firm or other organization to work for is a fateful decision” (Kendrick 42), because not every company is going to invest in the personal development of their employees. Despite the clear benefit of investing in individuals, it is ultimately up to you as the individual to seek out organizations that respect and value your own growth.

     Investing in personal productivity that not only improves the well-being of individuals but society as a whole. Kendrick argues that education, health, and mobility are all important tools to achieve greater happiness, higher income, and a more fulfilling life. When Individuals invest in these areas, they can become more productive members of society and reap the benefits associated. A more balanced and sustainable approach to productivity is needed in the U.S. if we want to lead rich and fulfilled lives.